Blacksmith Classes, Tools, and anvils for sale.
Blacksmith classes
morgan-Jade Ironworks blacksmith school. If you have swung a hammer before or never have, there is a class suited for you. MJI offers intro to blacksmithing, to advanced blacksmithing, Classes can customize suited for you.
day class 8Hrs $475.00
Blacksmithing School
MJI offers a school that is 2-4 weeks in length.
All school classes include the following;
18"x9" ribbion burner, Forge body, 240lb Rhino anvil w/stand, stand, post vise w/stand, 3 hammers, 5 pair of tongs, 5 hardy tools (valued at over $5,000.00).
1 week $7400.00 or 2 week school $9,800.00 - Tool & equipment orientation, maintance, and smithy lay out, all basic forging techniques, tool making, metallurgy, basic welding, fire welding, and more depending on ability. Several projects will be completed.
3 week school $12,350.00 - 2 week curriculum, advanced technigues, joinery, project lay out, design, basic buisness set up, organic forge work, jig building, everything learned will be combined in a to a week long project. Stock steel, all tooling needed.....ect.
4 week school $14,275.00 everything in 2 and 3 weeks curriculum, this week will be spent adding more to what has been learned, difficulty will increase, metal finishes.
All of these schools can be modified to suit your experience level, and curriculum you would like to learn, we can also deduct money for equipment that is included that you don't want or need.
Call 509-413-9727 for more information
MJI Blacksmith Anvils, tools, and hammers.
Here MJI offers blacksmith tools made by blacksmiths. These are tools that we use everyday and have proven to be dependable and functional. Call to order and for availability.
MJI is now the world distributor of Rhino Anvils
Blacksmithing Tools
MJI Blacksmith Custom Anvil Stand 475.00 available now
Rhino Blacksmith anvils 140lb baby, 240lb papa 240lb Papa $2,125, 140lb Baby $1,825. Call for shipping quote. available now
Rounding forge hammers $345 - $375 shipping included available now
Hammer eye punch $185 shipping included available now
DIY Hammer making package $750 available now