MJI designed and fabricated this sign for an agent who wanted something that would complement the rustic building his office was in.
The letters and boarder are not painted, they were forged and hammer textured, we then mounted them about 1 1/4"- 1 3/4" from the back of the sign, this added the depth that we wanted. By copper plating the main body of the sign it kept cost down, but brought a beautiful contrast between the luster of forged iron and the copper back ground. Another key feature to this piece is the "swirl" in the copper background, doing this causes the light to trick your eye and as a result the viewer is able to see a wonderful spectrum of bright and dull copper tones. The over sized rivets add a very industrial look and hardy feel to the piece
It is about 3 ft across and 19" inches tall
Plasma cut, and layed out according to the design specs
Freshly forged "M"
All of the letters have been forged, textured and the posts have been welded on the back of them
close up of the 2" inch boader around the sign
Sign hung over the agents office door
Morgan Jade Ironworks: 2403 E Euclid Spokane WA 99207 | (509) 413-9727 | david@morganjadeironworks.com