Moose skull Fire Pit

Moose skull Fire Pit
iron and moose head
50 pounds

My Buddy Hank, as close to a mountain man as you will find, packed this moose head out of the mountains north of Spokane, Wa.  It was about a 7 mile hike and he had to do it in two trips. So one day he comes by the house and gives me the moose head and rack, and says, “see what you can do with this.”
So Saturday, I was having a tough day as we get close to the 1 year anniversary of my 6 year old daughter Morgan-Jade, passing away. So I took the head and headed to my smithy. It was a very emotionally charged day of forging and a bit odd for me, but I just let my soul construct the piece. I still have some finishing touches to do but I like it so far.
I will insulate the bottom and install 4” rise around the pit to help deflect the heat away from the head and horns, if all else fails it can be a bird bath. lol

  • Were burning now

    Were burning now

Morgan Jade Ironworks: 2403 E Euclid Spokane WA 99207 | (509) 413-9727 |