This project is a custom order from a client in New Mexico. I was given measurements and a concept: Calla Lily candle holder that will sit on the floor against a wall, simple, clean, design with one 4” round candle that will sit down inside one of the lilies.
So this piece will have 7 calla lilies and 3-4 leaves, they will be welded to a arched base that will be filled with river rocks. The arches will descend down below the bottom of the base and flare out giving it a very unique look.
Well the design was approved on this project, mostly because I was entrusted with it, that moves things along, but the whole time, in the back of your mind you fear they may not like it. Fabrication started yesterday all the components where cut and laid out, then I started on the forge work of the leaves and calla lily's. Today I will finish up the stems and pollen bud that sits inside the flower. I will also fabricate the base and hopefully assemble and ship out tomorrow.
Had a great day in the smithy today, finished forging all the components, welded up the base, and wire wheeled everything, assembled and ready to ship out in the morning. As you can see we added a leaf and I did not run the corners down to the floor, however I added the rivets and l put a very heavy texture on the stems, cause I liked how the light plays off of them./p>
I don't really want to ship this one out!!!!! But it is time for it to go.
Enjoy New Mexico!!!!!
Components are cut and laid out in there relative orientation
about halfway done with the forge work
leaves and flowers are forged
Mocking up the base
Forging the stems
Halfway done with wire wheeling the leaves
pile'O stems, leaves, and cally lilys
Finished assembly, little bit of clean up, and out she goes
Top view
front view
Morgan Jade Ironworks: 2403 E Euclid Spokane WA 99207 | (509) 413-9727 | david@morganjadeironworks.com